How to Get Rid of Weed Smell: Top 10 Methods of 2018

May 27, 2018

How to Get Rid of Weed Smell: Top 10 Methods of 2018

There are tons of amazing reasons to partake in the 420 lifestyle. Cannabis has been shown to help reduce anxiety, induce hunger, and even help on sleepless nights. While there are plenty of fantastic reasons to love the plant, it does pose one problem: The smell.

Constantly searching for new ways of how to get rid of weed smell is plain exhausting. After all, going outside isn’t always an option–especially if you live in a colder climate. Rather than quitting cannabis entirely, there are a few methods to aid in the reduction of the smell of weed.

While there are a significant number of ways to reduce the stink of the plant, some of them are more expensive than others. So just be aware of your budget up front, and you’re sure to find a new way of getting rid of the stank.

This list is set up in no particular order. Instead, each capsule has a description of how to get rid of weed smell. Ideally, you should choose multiple methods, for best results. So, use this list as a starting point towards finding your new methods to toke up odor-free.

1. How to Get Rid of Weed Smell With Air Freshener

Ah air fresheners. If there’s one things stoners have always used for getting rid of weed smell, it’s definitely those bad boys. Febreze? Yep! Downy? Uh-huh! Random, delicious-smelling wrinkle releaser? You betcha. While these babies work…they don’t do the job properly, merely masking the smell.

Opt for an odor eliminating spray, like the Zero Odor® Multi-Purpose Household Odor Eliminator. Unlike many products on the market, this smell-free method is non-toxic to pets, people, and the environment. And rather than simply covering up the stench, it physically removes the odors–even if it’s been a few days since you smoked. As far as how to get rid of the weed smell, an odor eliminator is easy and affordable.

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